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AKAI RC-G 65 RC-G 95 RC-G 959 Pilot zastępczy z tym samym opisem

Pilot zastępczy AKAI RC-G65 RC-G95 RC-G959 do X 65 GX 75, GX 95, GX 65 MKII, GX 75 MKII, GX 95 MKII, X 65, GX75, GX95, GX65 MKII, GX75 MKII, GX95 MKII Czytaj więcej ...

104.2 zł (23.5 €)
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Koszt doręczenia:
12 zł
Wysyłamy Pocztą Polską
Indeks handlowy: X4437_dor


Customer inquiries  Write a question
Is this a new remote or the used one?

Will this remote work with Akai GX-R35?

Bohumil Vesely
You need RC-G35. But we does not have this remote control on offer.
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

Does it necessary to program this remote controller to work with akai gx 75

Bohumil Vesely
No, only insert batteries.
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

Will this works with Akai DX59

Bohumil Vesely
You need this remote control
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý
EMERX team

hi, akai gx75 mkII compatibility ?
please help with technics rs bx 646 remote .

Bohumil Vesely
This remote control work with your model AKAI GX75MKLL. And here is the remote control for technics
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý
EMERX team

Peeter Kodar
Is this remote controller valid for Akai GX 67 cassette recorder?

Bohumil Vesely
Yes remote control will work with your model.
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

I would like to buy this remote but is there a difference between your remote and this one? >>> www.ebay.nl/itm/275041170020?hash=item4009bb3264:g:150AAOSwiWBfs559 
Looks the same to me.. But the one on Ebay cost a lot more...


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AKAI RC-G 65 RC-G 95 RC-G 959 Pilot zastępczy z tym samym opisem 104.2 zł
Cena dostawy i płatności: 0.0 zł
Suma: 104.2 zł